An investigation is characterized by a careful and follow-up research on a particular topic and/or on a designated person or entity. Such research can be about personality or morality (background check, lifestyle, infidelity, associates…), financial situation (assets, shareholders dispute, alimonies, tax evasion, bankruptcy…), economic intelligence, unfair competition, trade secret, patent, and copyrights and/or any kind of information pertaining to a person, an organization, a fact or a situation.
Such “Formal Inquiry or Systematic Study” - into a specific assignment to resolve clients’ issues is constituting the investigative tasks.
A crime scene is the place where an offense has been committed and forensic evidence may be meticulously gathered.
A Crime Scene Investigator - also known as Evidence Technician or Forensic Technician or Crime Scene Technician – is the specialist who has to document the scene. This field technician must preserve physical evidence, take photographs and physical measurements of the scene, identify, and collect forensic evidence (DNA, Patent/Latent Prints, Fibers) and maintain the proper chain of custody of that evidence.
International Private Law defines the law governing disputes (i) between two parties or more (individual or legal entity) who legally facilitate with or belong to two or more countries or nationalities, and (ii) between one or more parties (individual or private company) and the foreign country which they do not legally belong to.
Therefore, disputes in International Private Law are often solved via negotiation, arbitration, litigation, or a combination of all mentioned above.
Such services may take place in a variety of contexts, including:
- Individual & Corporate Litigations
- International Taxation Law
- International Family Law
- International Contracts & Torts
- NDA Enforcement
- International Intellectual Property Law.
An “INTERVIEW ROOM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” (i.e. IRMS) is a computerized platform providing the necessary equipment (hardware) and features (software) to record and analyze audio-video interviews of victims, witnesses, experts, employees and/or any person of interest.
To be efficient, such embedded interview recording system must offer full SECURITY features and performant RECORDING MANAGEMENT options, monitoring FILES INTEGRITY.
The indispensable SECURITY options are as follow:
Password protected individual-user login
Event logging to track user functions (session start, stop, editing, deletion, etc.)
Secure hash algorithm calculated for each video and audio stream to ensure evidence integrity
Group management of permissions based on department policies
Export high quality MP4 files in any combination of audio/video files, streams, PDF of session data, or Audit Reports and Logs.
The required RECORDING MANAGEMENT options are as follow:
Quickly view and edit session data from session screen
Flag and annotate key parts of in-progress or recorded interviews
Advanced search and sort functions easily locate stored recordings based many criteria’s including keywords (example: to find any recording related to a “red car” or a “knife” or a “mustache” for cross-checking statements).
An “INTERVIEW ROOM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” (i.e. IRMS) is a computerized platform providing the necessary equipment (hardware) and features (software) to record and analyze audio-video interviews of victims, witnesses, experts, employees and/or any person of interest.
To be efficient, such embedded interview recording system must offer full SECURITY features and performant RECORDING MANAGEMENT options, monitoring FILES INTEGRITY.
The indispensable SECURITY options are as follow:
Password protected individual-user login
Event logging to track user functions (session start, stop, editing, deletion, etc.)
Secure hash algorithm calculated for each video and audio stream to ensure evidence integrity
Group management of permissions based on department policies
Export high quality MP4 files in any combination of audio/video files, streams, PDF of session data, or Audit Reports and Logs.
The required RECORDING MANAGEMENT options are as follow:
Quickly view and edit session data from session screen
Flag and annotate key parts of in-progress or recorded interviews
Advanced search and sort functions easily locate stored recordings based many criteria’s including keywords (example: to find any recording related to a “red car” or a “knife” or a “mustache” for cross-checking statements).