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Corporate Services

Our Expertise in Corporate Services*

Our consulting services may take place in a variety of contexts, including Corporate Services, with the Criminal Risk audit and Ethical Charters draft.


Our expert - Prof. FIORI-KHAYAT (Juris Doctor) - Legal Adviser - may assist to assess your needs and to assist law firms to prepare the relevant documents/memo.

Criminal Risk:


Criminal risk is one of the most formidable pitfalls that company directors can face. Bound by a general safety obligation for the benefit of the company, its employees and external stakeholders, he or she can be prosecuted for failing to anticipate certain risks.


Our experts are able to offer you a complete audit of the criminal risk your organization may face as a potential victim (analysis of your security systems, in particular) or as a perpetrator.


Ethical Charter:


It is the responsibility of any company to provide an Ethical Charter in order to respect  : "Ethics - Morality & Law" inside their organization.


Our Consulting Firm will assist you to draft tailored rules of conduct adapted to your professional activity; balancing with the society rules to avoid a potential painful and expensive litigation.


Among the most serious risks, psychosocial, harassment and discrimination risks can undermine the smooth running of your organization.


Following an audit or independently of it, our legal experts can draw up an ethics charter tailored to your core business, the specific risks involved and the procedures you wish to implement.


We can assist you with the implementation of the ethics charter, and can act as recipients of internal alerts if you so wish.



CSI-EXPERTISE, Corp. is not a Law Firm.

We are not Attorney's, we do not Practice Law.

We do not Provide our Clients with Legal Advise, we Provide our Clients with an Unbiased Consulting Product and/or Detailed Memos pertaining to specific issues.  

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